06/24/23 Our DeeP4R paper was selected as a top 5 paper at INFOCOM 2023 and for direct submission at IEEE Transactions on Networking!
05/12/23 Sahil gets hooded by HB. Victory is sweet.
04/25/23 Sahil's second paper gets accepted at ICCCN 2023. All clear to graduate!
02/28/23 Sahil passes his dissertation defense. Second paper still in the works.
12/01/22 Sahil's final paper on DeeP4R accepted at INFOCOM 2023.
A great victory – Congrats group!
05/20/22 Welcome to the lab Sohan Saimbhi.
Sohan works on re-creating two seminal papers, Tom Anderson's Satellite and Zion Labs' Collateral Damage, in the modern Internet.
Update: Sohan finds a *very important* paper (Haining Wang's Disguiser) that fundamentally changes our approach to censorship detection.
05/10/22 Gursimran passes his PhD qualifying exam (RPA) with an original paper.
Update: this work later accepted as a poster at AsiaCCS 2023.

08/15/21 Welcome to the lab: new PhD student Gursimran Singh!
Gursimran begins by taking over from Matthew Harris, and will also work on the P4 project.
05/01/21 Sahil's brief paper for DeeP4R accepted in ICNP 2022.
Demo wins SIGCOMM P4 Hackathon!
04/18/21 TeleMetron, the first bandwidth measurement tool at-a-distance (you can remotely measure Internet bandwidth between A and B from a server in a different continent) published at LCN.
03/01/21 Welcome to the lab: MS students Namita Madhira, Damini Jain.
And most important: our dedicated developer, Matthew Harris!
08/01/20 H B appears as a panel expert on Internet misinformation and censorship at ICCCN 2020.
05/01/20 Big News! NSF RAPID grant to study effect of Internet censorship on pandemic response, misinformation, and mortality in different countries.
02/15/20 "SiegeBreaker", our SDN-based Decoy Routing system, published in (Po)PETS 2020. A big pivot in research direction from measuring Internet censorship, to building network security tools.
01/04/20 HB delivers keynote talk at COMSNETS, explaining the Meshed Tree Protocol for fault-tolerant L2 networks.
05/01/19 Hello Paris! INFOCOM 2019 : Two posters (Machine Learning for Internet Maps, and Censorship study of Afghanistan) and a short paper (IoT gateways).
02/28/18 "Mending Wall", our paper studying censorship in India, published.
It wins Devashish the Best Student Paper award at SecureComm!
12/30/17 "The Devil's in the Details" paper, regarding placement of Decoy Routers in the Internet, published at ACSAC.
04/30/17 "Few Throats to Squeeze": our paper studying how the Internet backbone has partly moved into censor countries published at LCN.
09/30/16 Acharya Lab opens doors.
Sahil Gupta, first Ph.D. student!